25 Oct

Bond cleaning is a legal and crucial move that should be perfect in all manners. Today  we will discuss some important preparation steps which should follow to get flawless cleaning.

  1. Arrange all the Cleaning Products and Tools: Before hopping into cleaning chores, arrange necessary cleaning items. These items can be mop, bucket, broom, mugs, sponges, scrubber, vinegar, cleaning brushes of different types,  baking soda, liquid dishwasher, sea salt, paper towels, microfiber cloths, toothbrush and vacuum cleaner and many more items.

  1. Make a Customized Checklist: Experts of cleaning always consider a checklist to follow and this checklist make them sure about the cleanup of every corner of the house. The tenant can make a customized checklist as per his requirements. Make separate sections for dirtier and less dirty places.

  1. Reserve the Date: Cleaning should commence at the proper time and day. The cleaning should not be too late nor too earlier. It should be completed just one or two days before the inspection. Otherwise, it can get dirty again if it is completed too early. And also may be improper due to a shortage of time if started too late.

  1. Begin with the Upper Part: Bond Cleaning should always start from the upper part of the house and the top part of the particular area. Like ceilings,  fans and cobwebs should be removed first in each room. If the house is duplex or multi-story then start from the upper story only. Otherwise, the dust and dirt falling from the upper side will destroy the cleaning of the lower part and may demotivate you. 

  1. Cleaning of the all Tiniest Corner: Kitchen and bathrooms are the two main areas of the house which gets dirtier. Thus, clean them properly and after that rooms should be properly spruce up .

  1. Cleaning of the Interior as Well as the Exterior: Cleaning of lights, fixtures, fittings, skirting boards and switchboards are necessary for end of lease cleaning. Otherwise, these small flaws can be a big reason for not getting the bond money. Windows blinds doors and handle should be properly cleaned. 

  1. Carpet Cleaning: The carpet should be in new look condition clean, otherwise it can disturb the look of the house. Vacuum cleanse the carpets and rugs to eliminate collected stains and dirt. 

Summary Follow

these necessary steps to bond clean like a pro. If you doubt taking this responsibility on your shoulders, call Bond Cleaning Brisbane Their experts give their best job at an affordable price. Contact Bond Cleaning Adelaide now and enjoy happy shifting.  

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